-- Covered Marked Extensional and Wellfounded Orders

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module MEWO.Covered where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded)

open import PropTrunc

open import General-Properties
open import Relation.Closure

open import MEWO.Base

{- Covered MEWOs -}

isCovered : MEWO   Type 
isCovered A = (x :  A )   (Σ[ y   A  ] marked A y × x ≺̂*⟨ A  y) 

isProp⟨isCovered⟩ : (A : MEWO )  isProp (isCovered A)
isProp⟨isCovered⟩ A = isPropΠ  x  isPropPropTrunc)

initialSegmentsCovered : (A : MEWO )  (a :  A )  isCovered (A ↓+ a)
initialSegmentsCovered A a (x , p) = ∥-∥map f p where
  f : {x :  A }{p :  x ≺⁺⟨ A  a }  x ≺⁺⟨ A  a 
      Σ[ y   A ↓+ a  ] (fst y ≺⟨ A  a × ((x , p) ≺̂*⟨ A ↓+ a  y) )
  f {x} {p} (emb x<a) = (x , p) , x<a , done
  f {x} {p} (step x<y y<*a) = let (y₀ , y₀<a , y<*y₀) = f {p =  y<*a } y<*a in
                              y₀ , y₀<a , step x<y y<*y₀

{- Principality -}

IsPartialSimulation : (A B : MEWO )  (f : (x :  A )  marked A x   B )  Type (ℓ-suc )
IsPartialSimulation A B f = (x :  A )  (mx : marked A x) 
                            (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ (f x mx)) × marked B (f x mx)

IsPartialSimulation⁻ : (A : MEWO )(B : MEWO ℓ')  (f : (x :  A )  marked A x   B )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
IsPartialSimulation⁻ A B f = (x :  A )  (mx : marked A x) 
                             ((A ↓+ x) ≃ₒ (B ↓+ (f x mx))) × marked B (f x mx)

_≤ₚ_ : (A B : MEWO )  Type (ℓ-suc )
A ≤ₚ B = Σ[ f  ((x :  A )  marked A x   B ) ] (IsPartialSimulation A B f)

isPropIsPartialSimulation : (A B : MEWO )  (f : (x :  A )  marked A x   B ) 
                            isProp (IsPartialSimulation A B f)
isPropIsPartialSimulation A B f = isPropΠ2  x mx  isProp× (isSetMEWO _ _)
                                                             (isPropMarked B (f x mx)))

≤ₚCharacterisationTo : (A B : MEWO )  A ≤ₚ B  (x :  A )  (marked A x) 
                        Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × marked B y 
≤ₚCharacterisationTo A B (f , p) x mx =  (f x mx , p x mx) 

 ≤ₚCharacterisationFrom : (A B : MEWO )  ((x :  A )  (marked A x) 
                           Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × marked B y )  A ≤ₚ B
 ≤ₚCharacterisationFrom A B g =  x mx  fst (g' x mx)) , λ x mx  snd (g' x mx) where
  g' : (x :  A )  (marked A x)  Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × (marked B y)
  g' x mx = ∥-∥rec  (y , (p , _)) (y' , (p' , _))  Σ≡Prop  b  isProp× (isSetMEWO _ _)
                                                                            (isPropMarked B b))
                                                             (↓+Injective B y y' (sym p  p')))
                   (idfun _) (g x mx)

 isProp⟨≤ₚ⟩ : (A B : MEWO )  isProp (A ≤ₚ B)
 isProp⟨≤ₚ⟩ A B = isPropRetract (≤ₚCharacterisationTo A B)
                               (≤ₚCharacterisationFrom A B)
                                { (f , p)  Σ≡Prop (isPropIsPartialSimulation A B)
                                                     (funExt  x  funExt  mx  refl))) })
                               (isPropΠ2  x mx  isPropPropTrunc))

≤ₚCharacterisation : (A B : MEWO ) 
                     A ≤ₚ B 
                     ((x :  A )  (marked A x)   Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × marked B y )
≤ₚCharacterisation A B = hPropExt (isProp⟨≤ₚ⟩ A B) (isPropΠ2  x mx  isPropPropTrunc))
                                  (≤ₚCharacterisationTo A B) (≤ₚCharacterisationFrom A B)

restrictPartial : (A B : MEWO )  A  B  A ≤ₚ B
restrictPartial A B (f , p) =  x _  f x) ,
                              λ x mx  (simulationsPreserve↓ A B f p x , snd (fst p) mx)

isPrincipal : MEWO   Type (ℓ-suc )
isPrincipal { = } A = (Y : MEWO )  A ≤ₚ Y  A  Y

isPrincipal→restrictPartialEquiv : (A : MEWO )  isPrincipal A  (Y : MEWO ) 
                                   isEquiv (restrictPartial A Y)
isPrincipal→restrictPartialEquiv A principal Y = isoToIsEquiv (iso (restrictPartial A Y)
                                                                   (principal Y)
                                                                    x  isProp⟨≤ₚ⟩ A Y _ _)
                                                                    y  isProp⟨≤⟩ A Y _ _))

restrictPartialEquiv→isPrincipal : (A : MEWO )  ((Y : MEWO ) 
                                   isEquiv (restrictPartial A Y))  isPrincipal A
restrictPartialEquiv→isPrincipal A equiv Y = invIsEq (equiv Y)

covered : MEWO   MEWO 
covered A = (Σ[ x   A  ]  Σ[ y   A  ] (marked A y × x ≺̂*⟨ A  y) ) ,
              ((λ (x , _) (y , _)  x ≺⟨ A  y) ,  (x , _)  marked A x , isPropMarked A x)) ,
               a b  truncated A _ _) ,
              ext ,
               x  acc-lemma x (wellfounded A (fst x)))
      acc-lemma :  x  Acc (underlyingOrder A) (fst x)  Acc  (x , _) (y , _)  x ≺⟨ A  y) x
      acc-lemma x (acc s) = acc  y y<x  acc-lemma y (s (fst y) y<x))
      ext : isExtensional  (x , _) (y , _)  x ≺⟨ A  y)
      ext x y ext
        = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropPropTrunc)
                 (extensional A _ _
                               c   c<x  fst (ext (c , ∥-∥map  (p , mp , x<p)  p , mp ,
                                                                                        step c<x x<p)
                                                                   (snd x)))
                                              c<x) ,
                                      c<y  snd (ext (c , ∥-∥map  (p , mp , y<p)  p , mp ,
                                                                                        step c<y y<p)
                                                               (snd y)))

coveredA≤A : (A : MEWO )  covered A  A
coveredA≤A A = fst , (idfun _ , idfun _) ,
                {b} {a} b<fa  (b , ∥-∥map  (p , mp , a<p)  (p , mp , step b<fa a<p)) (snd a)) ,
                                  b<fa , refl)

principal→covered : (A : MEWO )  isPrincipal A  isCovered A
principal→covered { = } A principal x = subst  z   Σ[ y   A  ]
                                                (marked A y × z ≺̂*⟨ A  y) )
                                                (sym (tr⁻¹≡fst (tr x))  tr⁻¹tr x)
                                                (snd (tr x))
  coveredA : MEWO 
  coveredA = covered A

  A≤ₚcoveredA : A ≤ₚ coveredA
  A≤ₚcoveredA =  x mx  x ,  x , (mx , done) ) ,
                 x mx  (≤Antisymmetry _ _ (f x mx) (g x mx) , mx))
      cast :  {b y p q}  b ≺⁺⟨ A  y  (b , p) ≺⁺⟨ coveredA  (y , q)
      cast (emb x) = emb x
      cast {p = p} {q = q} (step {y = y} b<y ps)
        = step {y = y ,
                    ∥-∥map  (z , mz , b<*z)  z , mz ,
                                                ReflTransCl-trans _ (Trans→ReflTrans _ ps) b<*z) q}
               b<y (cast ps)

      f :  x mx  (A ↓+ x)  (coveredA ↓+ (x ,  x , mx , done ))
      f x mx =  (y , y<+x)  (y , ∥-∥map  y<+x  x , mx , Trans→ReflTrans _ y<+x) y<+x) ,
                               ∥-∥map  y<+x  cast y<+x) y<+x) ,
                               (idfun _ , idfun _) ,
                                {(b , p)} {a} b<fa  (fst b ,
                                                        ∥-∥map (TransCl-map fst (idfun _)) p ) ,
                                                        b<fa ,
                                                        Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc)
                                                               (Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) refl))

      g :  x mx  (coveredA ↓+ (x ,  x , mx , done ))  (A ↓+ x)
      g x mx =  (y , p)  fst y , ∥-∥map (TransCl-map fst (idfun _)) p) ,
               (idfun _ , idfun _) ,
                {(b , b<+x)} {(a , a<+x)} b<fa  ((b , ∥-∥map  (z , mz , a<*z)  z , mz ,
                                                                                     step b<fa a<*z)
                                                         (snd a)) ,
                                                    ∥-∥map cast b<+x) ,
                                                    b<fa ,
                                                    Σ≡Prop  x  isPropPropTrunc) refl)

  allCovered : A  coveredA
  allCovered = ≤Antisymmetry A coveredA (principal coveredA A≤ₚcoveredA) (coveredA≤A A)

  tr :  A    coveredA 
  tr = fst (idtoeqₒ _ _ allCovered)

  tr⁻¹ :  coveredA    A 
  tr⁻¹ = invIsEq (fst (snd (snd (idtoeqₒ _ _ allCovered))))

  tr⁻¹≡fst : (x :  coveredA )  tr⁻¹ x  fst x
  tr⁻¹≡fst x = transportRefl _  transportRefl _  transportRefl _ 
               transportRefl _  transportRefl _  transportRefl _

  tr⁻¹tr : (x :  A )  tr⁻¹ (tr x)  x
  tr⁻¹tr x = retIsEq (fst (snd (snd (idtoeqₒ _ _ allCovered)))) x

  ≤CharacterisationFrom : (A B : MEWO )  ((x :  A ) 
                             Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × (marked A x  marked B y) ) 
                            A  B
  ≤CharacterisationFrom A B g = (fst  g') ,
                                preserve↓→Simulation A B (fst  g')
                                                      x  fst (snd (g' x)))
                                                      {x} mx  snd (snd (g' x)) mx)
     g' : (x :  A )  Σ[ y   B  ] (A ↓+ x  B ↓+ y) × (marked A x  marked B y)
     g' x =
       ∥-∥rec  (y , (p , _)) (y' , (p' , _))  Σ≡Prop  x  isProp× (isSetMEWO _ _)
                                                                       (isProp→ (isPropMarked B x)))
                                                        (↓+Injective B y y' (sym p  p')))
              (idfun _) (g x)

covered→principal : (A : MEWO )  isCovered A  isPrincipal A
covered→principal A cover Y (f , psim) =
 ≤CharacterisationFrom A Y
                        x  ∥-∥rec isPropPropTrunc  (p , mp , x<p)   h x p mp x<p ) (cover x))
    h : (x :  A )  (p :  A )  marked A p  x ≺̂*⟨ A  p 
        Σ[ y   Y  ] ((A ↓+ x)  (Y ↓+ y)) × (marked A x  marked Y y)
    h x .x mx done = (f x mx) , fst (psim x mx) , λ _  snd (psim x mx)
    h x p mp (step {y = x'} x<x' x'<*p) = (y , A↓x≡Y↓y , M)
        tr :  A ↓+ p    Y ↓+ f p mp 
        tr = fst (idtoeqₒ _ _ (fst (psim p mp)))

        y :  Y 
        y = fst (tr (x ,  stepT _ x<x' x'<*p ))

        y<*p :  y ≺⁺⟨ Y  f p mp 
        y<*p = snd (tr (x ,  stepT _ x<x' x'<*p ))

        A↓x≡Y↓y : A ↓+ x  Y ↓+ y
        A↓x≡Y↓y = sym (iterated↓+ A p x  stepT _ x<x' x'<*p ) 
                  iterated↓+ Y (f p mp) y y<*p
            A↓p↓x≡Y↓fp↓y : ((A ↓+ p) ↓+ (x , _))  ((Y ↓+ f p mp) ↓+ (y , _))
            A↓p↓x≡Y↓fp↓y = ↓+Eq (A ↓+ p) (Y ↓+ f p mp) (x , _) (fst (psim p mp)) (y , _) refl

        y≡fx : (mx : marked A x)  y  f x mx
        y≡fx mx = ↓+Injective Y y (f x mx) (sym A↓x≡Y↓y  fst (psim x mx))

        M : marked A x  marked Y y
        M mx = subst (marked Y) (sym (y≡fx mx)) (snd (psim x mx))

MEWOcov : ( : Level)  Type (ℓ-suc )
MEWOcov  = Σ[ A  (MEWO ) ] isCovered A

_<c_ : MEWOcov   MEWOcov   Type (ℓ-suc )
(A , _) <c (B , _) = A < B

_≤c_ : MEWOcov   MEWOcov   Type 
(A , _) ≤c (B , _) = A  B

coveredWellfounded : isWellFounded (_<c_ { = })
coveredWellfounded { = } X = lemma X (<Wellfounded (fst X))
    lemma : (X : MEWOcov )  Acc _<_ (fst X)  Acc _<c_ X
    lemma X (acc s) = acc  Y Y<X  lemma Y (s (fst Y) Y<X))

coveredExtensional : isExtensional (_<c_ { = })
coveredExtensional { = } (A , cA) (B , cB) exteq =
  Σ≡Prop isProp⟨isCovered⟩ (≤Antisymmetry A B (oneway A B cA cB (fst  exteq))
                                             (oneway B A cB cA (snd  exteq)))
    oneway : (A B : MEWO )  (cA : isCovered A)  (cB : isCovered B) 
             ((Z : MEWOcov )  Σ[ a   A  ] (marked A a × (fst Z  (A ↓+ a))) 
             Σ[ b   B  ] (marked B b × (fst Z  (B ↓+ b))))  A  B
    oneway A B cA cB hyp = covered→principal A cA B A≤ₚB
        singletonContractHyp : ((a :  A )   marked A a 
                               Σ[ b   B  ] (marked B b × ((A ↓+ a)  (B ↓+ b))))
        singletonContractHyp a ma  = hyp ((A ↓+ a) , initialSegmentsCovered A a) (a , ma , refl)

        A≤ₚB : A ≤ₚ B
        A≤ₚB =  a ma  fst (singletonContractHyp a ma)) ,
                a ma  snd (snd (singletonContractHyp a ma)) ,
               fst (snd (singletonContractHyp a ma)))

isEWO⟨MEWOcov⟩ : isEWO (_<c_ { = })
isEWO⟨MEWOcov⟩ =  A B  isProp⟨<⟩ (fst A) (fst B)) , coveredExtensional , coveredWellfounded

MEWOcov-as-MEWO : ( : Level)  MEWO (ℓ-suc )
MEWOcov-as-MEWO  = MEWOcov  , (_<c_ , λ _  Unit* , isPropUnit*) , isEWO⟨MEWOcov⟩

isSet⟨MEWOcov⟩ : isSet (MEWOcov )
isSet⟨MEWOcov⟩ = isSetΣSndProp isSetMEWO isProp⟨isCovered⟩

↓+-simulation : (X : MEWO )  isSimulation X (MEWOcov-as-MEWO )
                                             x  X ↓+ x , initialSegmentsCovered X x)
↓+-simulation X = ((↓+Monotone< X _ _ , λ p  lift tt) ,
                   {b} {a} ((a' , a'<+a) , ma' , b=X↓a↓a')  a' , ma' ,
                                                               Σ≡Prop isProp⟨isCovered⟩
                                                                      (sym (b=X↓a↓a' 
                                                                            iterated↓+ X a a'