Tom de Jong

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Assistant supervisor (since 2022) of Stiéphen Pradal, a PhD student of Nicolai Kraus


Defence committee member for Alyssa Renata's Master of Logic thesis.

Lecturer for an advanced course on Categorical realizability at the Midlands Graduate School in April 2024

Lecturer at University of Nottingham for Compilers

Lecturer for an informal PhD course on Topos theory


Lecturer for an introductory course on Domain theory and denotational semantics at the Midlands Graduate School (2–6 April 2023)

Teaching assistant at University of Nottingham for Advanced Functional Programming


Teaching assistant in the online HoTTEST Summer School

Teaching assistant in Eric Finster's course on Topos Theory at the Midlands Graduate School (10–14 April 2022)

Teaching assistant at University of Birmingham for


Teaching assistant at University of Birmingham for


Co-supervised Brendan Hart with Martín Escardó on a final year project about formalising the Scott model of PCF with variables and λ-abstraction in Agda. Brendan won the Distinguished Dissertation Prize for this project.

Teaching assistant at University of Birmingham for


Assistant in Martín Escardó's course on Univalent Type Theory in Agda at the Midlands Graduate School (14–18 April 2019)

Mentor and local co-organizer of the School and Workshop on Univalent Mathematics (1–5 April 2019)

Teaching assistant at University of Birmingham for


Teaching assistant (in Dutch) at Utrecht University for
Last modified on 2024-08-27.