
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe --auto-inline --experimental-lossy-unification #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Univalence

module OrdinalCumulativeHierarchy
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (ua : Univalence)
        (𝓤 : Universe)

open PropositionalTruncation pt

open import UF.Base hiding (_≈_)
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.UA-FunExt

 fe : Fun-Ext
 fe = Univalence-gives-Fun-Ext ua

 fe' : FunExt
 fe' _ _ = fe

 pe : Prop-Ext
 pe = Univalence-gives-Prop-Ext ua

open import Ordinals.Notions
open import Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinals ua
open import Ordinals.Type hiding (Ord)
open import Ordinals.Underlying

open import CumulativeHierarchy pt fe pe

module ordinal-of-set-theoretic-ordinals
        (ch : cumulative-hierarchy-exists 𝓤)

 open cumulative-hierarchy-exists ch


We start by defining a set theoretic ordinal to be a transitive set whose
elements are again transitive sets.


 is-transitive-set : 𝕍  𝓤  ̇
 is-transitive-set x = (u : 𝕍) (v : 𝕍)  u  x  v  u  v  x

 being-transitive-set-is-prop : {x : 𝕍}  is-prop (is-transitive-set x)
 being-transitive-set-is-prop = Π₄-is-prop fe  _ _ _ _  ∈-is-prop-valued)

 is-set-theoretic-ordinal : 𝕍  𝓤  ̇
 is-set-theoretic-ordinal x = is-transitive-set x
                            × ((y : 𝕍)  y  x  is-transitive-set y)

 being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-prop : {x : 𝕍}  is-prop (is-set-theoretic-ordinal x)
 being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-prop =
  ×-is-prop being-transitive-set-is-prop
            (Π₂-is-prop fe  _ _  being-transitive-set-is-prop))

 transitive-set-if-set-theoretic-ordinal : {x : 𝕍}
                                          is-set-theoretic-ordinal x
                                          is-transitive-set x
 transitive-set-if-set-theoretic-ordinal = pr₁

 transitive-set-if-element-of-set-theoretic-ordinal : {x : 𝕍}
                                                     is-set-theoretic-ordinal x
                                                     {y : 𝕍}  y  x
                                                     is-transitive-set y
 transitive-set-if-element-of-set-theoretic-ordinal σ {y} m = pr₂ σ y m

 being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-hereditary : {x : 𝕍}  is-set-theoretic-ordinal x
                                            {y : 𝕍}
                                            y  x  is-set-theoretic-ordinal y
 being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-hereditary {x} (t , τ) {y} m =
  τ y m ,  z n  τ z (t y z m n))


Restricting our attention to those elements of 𝕍 that are set theoretic
ordinals, we show that the membership relation ∈ makes this subtype into a type
theoretic ordinal.


 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ : 𝓤  ̇
 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ = Σ x  𝕍 , is-set-theoretic-ordinal x

 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ-is-subtype : {x y : 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ}  pr₁ x  pr₁ y  x  y
 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ-is-subtype = to-subtype-=  _  being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-prop)

 _∈ᵒʳᵈ_ : 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ  𝕍ᵒʳᵈ  𝓤   ̇
 _∈ᵒʳᵈ_ (x , _) (y , _) = x  y

 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-extensional : is-extensional _∈ᵒʳᵈ_
 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-extensional (x , u) (y , v) s t =
     x y
      z m  s (z , being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-hereditary u m) m)
      z m  t (z , being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-hereditary v m) m))

 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-transitive : is-transitive _∈ᵒʳᵈ_
 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-transitive (x , _) (y , _) (z , τ) x-in-y y-in-z =
  transitive-set-if-set-theoretic-ordinal τ y x y-in-z x-in-y

 ∈-is-well-founded : is-well-founded _∈_
 ∈-is-well-founded = ∈-induction (is-accessible _∈_)
                                  x  accessibility-is-prop _∈_ fe' x)
                                  x IH  step IH)

 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-well-founded : is-well-founded _∈ᵒʳᵈ_
 ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-well-founded = transfinite-induction-converse _∈ᵒʳᵈ_ W
   W : Well-founded _∈ᵒʳᵈ_
   W P IH =  (x , σ)  Q-holds-everywhere x σ)
     Q : 𝕍  𝓤  ̇
     Q x = (σ : is-set-theoretic-ordinal x)  P (x , σ)
     Q-holds-everywhere : (x : 𝕍)  Q x
     Q-holds-everywhere = transfinite-induction _∈_ ∈-is-well-founded Q f
       f : (x : 𝕍)  ((y : 𝕍)  y  x  Q y)  Q x
       f x IH' σ = IH (x , σ) g
         g : (y : 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ)  y ∈ᵒʳᵈ (x , σ)  P y
         g (y , τ) y-in-x = IH' y y-in-x τ

 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ : Ordinal (𝓤 )
 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ = 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ , _∈ᵒʳᵈ_
             ,  x y  ∈-is-prop-valued)
             , ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-well-founded
             , ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-extensional
             , ∈ᵒʳᵈ-is-transitive


We now work towards proving that 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ and Ord, the ordinal of type theoretic
ordinals, are isomorphic (as type theoretic ordinals).

We start by defining a map Ord → 𝕍 by transfinite recursion on Ord.


  Ord : 𝓤  ̇
  Ord = Ordinal 𝓤

 Φ : Ord  𝕍
 Φ = transfinite-recursion-on-OO 𝕍  α f  𝕍-set f)

 Φ-behaviour : (α : Ord)  Φ α  𝕍-set  a  Φ (α  a))
 Φ-behaviour = transfinite-recursion-on-OO-behaviour 𝕍  a f  𝕍-set f)

 ∈-of-Φ : (α : Ord) (x : 𝕍)
         x  Φ α  ( a   α  , Φ (α  a)  x)
 ∈-of-Φ α x =
  x  Φ α                        =⟨ ap (x ∈_) (Φ-behaviour α) 
  x  𝕍-set  a  Φ (α  a))    =⟨ ∈-for-𝕍-sets x _ 
  ( a   α  , Φ (α  a)  x) 

 to-∈-of-Φ : (α : Ord) {x : 𝕍}
            ( a   α  , Φ (α  a)  x)  x  Φ α
 to-∈-of-Φ α {x} = back-Idtofun (∈-of-Φ α x)

 from-∈-of-Φ : (α : Ord) {x : 𝕍}
              x  Φ α  ( a   α  , Φ (α  a)  x)
 from-∈-of-Φ α {x} = Idtofun (∈-of-Φ α x)


The map Ord → 𝕍 preserves the strict and weak order.


 Φ-preserves-strict-order : (α β : Ord)  α  β  Φ α  Φ β
 Φ-preserves-strict-order α β (b , refl) = to-∈-of-Φ β  b , refl 

 Φ-preserves-weak-order : (α β : Ord)  α  β  Φ α  Φ β
 Φ-preserves-weak-order α β l x m = to-∈-of-Φ β m'
   l' : (a :  α )  Σ b   β  , α  a  β  b
   l' = from-≼ (⊴-gives-≼ α β l)
   m' :  b   β  , Φ (β  b)  x
   m' = ∥∥-functor h (from-∈-of-Φ α m)
     h : (Σ a   α  , Φ (α  a)  x)
        (Σ b   β  , Φ (β  b)  x)
     h (a , refl) = (b , ap Φ (e ⁻¹))
       b :  β 
       b = pr₁ (l' a)
       e : α  a  β  b
       e = pr₂ (l' a)


An argument by transfinite induction shows that the map Φ is left
cancellable, which yields a quick proof that Φ not only preserves the
strict order, but also reflects it. It follows that Φ also reflects the
weak order.


 Φ-is-left-cancellable : (α β : Ord)  Φ α  Φ β  α  β
 Φ-is-left-cancellable = transfinite-induction-on-OO _ f
   f : (α : Ord)
      ((a :  α ) (β : Ord)  Φ (α  a)  Φ β  (α  a)  β)
      (β : Ord)  Φ α  Φ β  α  β
   f α IH β e = ⊴-antisym α β (to-⊴ α β g₁) (to-⊴ β α g₂)
     g₁ : (a :  α )  (α  a)  β
     g₁ a = ∥∥-rec (⊲-is-prop-valued (α  a) β) h (from-∈-of-Φ β m)
       h : (Σ b   β  , Φ (β  b)  Φ (α  a))  (α  a)  β
       h (b , e) = (b , (IH a (β  b) (e ⁻¹)))
       m : Φ (α  a)  Φ β
       m = transport (Φ (α  a) ∈_) e
                     (to-∈-of-Φ α  a , refl )
     g₂ : (b :  β )  (β  b)  α
     g₂ b = ∥∥-rec (⊲-is-prop-valued (β  b) α) h (from-∈-of-Φ α m)
       h : (Σ a   α  , Φ (α  a)  Φ (β  b))  (β  b)  α
       h (a , e) = (a , ((IH a (β  b) e) ⁻¹))
       m : Φ (β  b)  Φ α
       m = transport (Φ (β  b) ∈_) (e ⁻¹)
                     (to-∈-of-Φ β  b , refl )

 Φ-reflects-strict-order : (α β : Ord)  Φ α  Φ β  α  β
 Φ-reflects-strict-order α β m = ∥∥-rec (⊲-is-prop-valued α β) h m'
   h : (Σ b   β  , Φ (β  b)  Φ α)  α  β
   h (b , e) = (b , ((Φ-is-left-cancellable (β  b) α e) ⁻¹))
   m' :  b   β  , Φ (β  b)  Φ α
   m' = from-∈-of-Φ β m

 Φ-reflects-weak-order : (α β : Ord)  Φ α  Φ β  α  β
 Φ-reflects-weak-order α β s = to-⊴ α β h
   h : (a :  α )  (α  a)  β
   h a = Φ-reflects-strict-order (α  a) β m
     m : Φ (α  a)  Φ β
     m = s (Φ (α  a)) (to-∈-of-Φ α  a , refl )


The map Ord → 𝕍 constructed above actually factors through the subtype 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ.

(The proof is quite straightforward, but the formal proof is slightly long,
because we need to use from-∈-of-Φ and to-∈-of-Φ as we don't have
judgemental computation rules for 𝕍.)


 Φᵒʳᵈ : Ord  𝕍ᵒʳᵈ
 Φᵒʳᵈ α = (Φ α , ρ α)
   τ : (β : Ord)  is-transitive-set (Φ β)
   τ β x y x-in-β y-in-x = to-∈-of-Φ β (∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop lemma x-in-β')
     x-in-β' :  b   β  , Φ (β  b)  x
     x-in-β' = from-∈-of-Φ β x-in-β
     lemma : (Σ b   β  , Φ (β  b)  x)
             c   β  , Φ (β  c)  y
     lemma (b , refl) = ∥∥-functor h y-in-β↓b
       h : (Σ c   β  b  , Φ ((β  b)  c)  y)
          Σ d   β  , Φ (β  d)  y
       h ((c , l) , refl) = (c , ap Φ ((iterated-↓ β b c l) ⁻¹))
       y-in-β↓b :  c   β  b  , Φ ((β  b)  c)  y
       y-in-β↓b = from-∈-of-Φ (β  b) y-in-x

   ρ : (β : Ord)  is-set-theoretic-ordinal (Φ β)
   ρ = transfinite-induction-on-OO
         -  is-set-theoretic-ordinal (Φ -))
     ρ' : (β : Ord)
         ((b :  β )  is-set-theoretic-ordinal (Φ (β  b)))
         is-set-theoretic-ordinal (Φ β)
     ρ' β IH = (τ β , τ')
       τ' : (y : 𝕍)  y  Φ β  is-transitive-set y
       τ' y m = ∥∥-rec being-transitive-set-is-prop h (from-∈-of-Φ β m)
         h : (Σ b   β  , Φ (β  b)  y)  is-transitive-set y
         h (b , refl) = τ (β  b)

 Φᵒʳᵈ-is-left-cancellable : {α β : Ord}  Φᵒʳᵈ α  Φᵒʳᵈ β  α  β
 Φᵒʳᵈ-is-left-cancellable {α} {β} e =
  Φ-is-left-cancellable α β (ap pr₁ e)


To show that Φᵒʳᵈ is an isomorphism of ordinals it now suffices to prove
that it is split surjective.

We construct a map 𝕍 → Ord by recursion on 𝕍 by sending 𝕍-set {A} f to the
supremum of ordinals ⋁ (ψ (f a) + 𝟙) indexed by a : A.


 open import Ordinals.Arithmetic fe'
 open import Ordinals.Arithmetic-Properties ua hiding (lemma₁ ; lemma₂)
 open import Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinalsSuprema ua

 open import UF.Quotient hiding (is-prop-valued)

 module Ψ-construction
         (sq : set-quotients-exist)

  open suprema pt (set-replacement-from-set-quotients sq pt)

   Ψ-aux : {A : 𝓤 ̇ }  (A  𝕍)  (A  Ord)  Ord
   Ψ-aux _ r = sup  a  r a +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)

   Ψ-packaged : Σ ϕ  (𝕍  Ord) , ({A : 𝓤 ̇} (f : A  𝕍)
                                  (r : A  Ordinal 𝓤)  ϕ (𝕍-set f)  Ψ-aux f r)
   Ψ-packaged = 𝕍-recursion-with-computation the-type-of-ordinals-is-a-set ρ τ
     ρ = Ψ-aux
     monotone-lemma : {A B : 𝓤 ̇} (f : A  𝕍) (g : B  𝕍)
                     (r₁ : A  Ord) (r₂ : B  Ord)
                     ((a : A)   Σ b  B , Σ p  f a  g b , r₁ a  r₂ b )
                     ρ f r₁  ρ g r₂
     monotone-lemma {A} {B} f g r₁ r₂ e =
      sup-is-lower-bound-of-upper-bounds  a  r₁ a +ₒ 𝟙ₒ) (ρ g r₂) ϕ
        ϕ : (a : A)  (r₁ a +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)  ρ g r₂
        ϕ a = ∥∥-rec (⊴-is-prop-valued _ _) ψ (e a)
          ψ : (Σ b  B , Σ p  f a  g b , r₁ a  r₂ b)
             (r₁ a +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)  ρ g r₂
          ψ (b , _ , q) = ⊴-trans _ (r₂ b +ₒ 𝟙ₒ) _ k l
            k : (r₁ a +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)  (r₂ b +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)
            k = ≃ₒ-to-⊴ _ _ (idtoeqₒ _ _ (ap (_+ₒ 𝟙ₒ) q))
            l : (r₂ b +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)  ρ g r₂
            l = sup-is-upper-bound _ b
     τ : {A B : 𝓤 ̇} (f : A  𝕍) (g : B  𝕍)
        (r₁ : A  Ord) (r₂ : B  Ord)
        ((a : A)   Σ b  B , Σ p  f a  g b , r₁ a  r₂ b )
        ((b : B)   Σ a  A , Σ p  g b  f a , r₂ b  r₁ a )
        f  g
        ρ f r₁  ρ g r₂
     τ {A} {B} f g r₁ r₂ e₁ e₂ _ =
      ⊴-antisym (ρ f r₁) (ρ g r₂)
                (monotone-lemma f g r₁ r₂ e₁)
                (monotone-lemma g f r₂ r₁ e₂)

  Ψ : 𝕍  Ord
  Ψ = pr₁ (Ψ-packaged)


The below records the behaviour on 𝕍-sets that we announced above.


  Ψ-behaviour-on-𝕍-sets :
     {A : 𝓤 ̇ } (f : A  𝕍)
    Ψ (𝕍-set f)  sup  a  Ψ (f a) +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)
  Ψ-behaviour-on-𝕍-sets f = pr₂ Ψ-packaged f  a  Ψ (f a))

  Ψᵒʳᵈ : 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ  Ord
  Ψᵒʳᵈ = Ψ  pr₁


We show that Φ is a split surjection by showing that Ψᵒʳᵈ is a
section of it. The fact that we are restricting the inputs to set theoretic
ordinals is crucial in proving one of the inequalities.


  Ψ-is-section-of-Φ : (x : 𝕍)
                     is-set-theoretic-ordinal x
                     Φ (Ψ x)  x
  Ψ-is-section-of-Φ =
   𝕍-prop-induction _  x  Π-is-prop fe  _  𝕍-is-large-set)) ρ
     ρ : {A : 𝓤 ̇} (f : A  𝕍)
        ((a : A)  is-set-theoretic-ordinal (f a)
                   Φ (Ψ (f a))  f a)
        is-set-theoretic-ordinal (𝕍-set f)
        Φ (Ψ (𝕍-set f))  𝕍-set f
     ρ {A} f IH σ =
      Φ (Ψ (𝕍-set f))         =⟨ ⦅1⦆ 
      Φ s                     =⟨ ⦅2⦆ 
      𝕍-set  y  Φ (s  y)) =⟨ ⦅3⦆ 
      𝕍-set f                 
        s : Ord
        s = sup  a  Ψ (f a) +ₒ 𝟙ₒ)
        ⦅1⦆ = ap Φ (Ψ-behaviour-on-𝕍-sets f)
        ⦅2⦆ = Φ-behaviour s
        ⦅3⦆ = 𝕍-set-ext _ _ (e₁ , e₂)
          {- The proof of e₂ and especially e₁ are the only hard parts. We set
             up two lemmas and some abbreviations to get e₁ and e₂. -}
          c : (a : A)  Ord
          c a = Ψ (f a) +ₒ 𝟙ₒ
          abstract -- For performance
           u : (a : A)   c a     s 
           u a = pr₁ (sup-is-upper-bound _ a)

           IH' : (a : A)  Φ (Ψ (f a))  f a
           IH' a = IH a (being-set-theoretic-ordinal-is-hereditary σ
                          (to-∈-of-𝕍-set  a , refl ))

           lemma₁ : (a : A)  Φ (c a  inr )  f a
           lemma₁ a = Φ (c a  inr ) =⟨ ap Φ ⦅e⦆ 
                      Φ (Ψ (f a))     =⟨ IH' a            
                      f a             
             ⦅e⦆ : c a  inr   Ψ (f a)
             ⦅e⦆ = +ₒ-𝟙ₒ-↓-right (Ψ (f a))

           lemma₂ : (a : A)  Φ (s  u a (inr ))  f a
           lemma₂ a = Φ (s  u a (inr )) =⟨ ap Φ ⦅e⦆ 
                      Φ (c a  inr )     =⟨ lemma₁ a 
                      f a                 
             ⦅e⦆ : s  u a (inr )  c a  inr 
             ⦅e⦆ = initial-segment-of-sup-at-component _ a (inr )

          e₂ : f   y  Φ (s  y))
          e₂ a =  u a (inr ) , lemma₂ a 

          e₁ :  y  Φ (s  y))  f
          e₁ y =
           ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop h
            (initial-segment-of-sup-is-initial-segment-of-some-component _ y)
             h : (Σ a  A , Σ x   c a  , s  y  c a  x)
                 a  A , f a  Φ (s  y)
             h (a , inr  , e) =  a , (e' ⁻¹) 
               e' = Φ (s  y)       =⟨ ap Φ e 
                    Φ (c a  inr ) =⟨ lemma₁ a 
                    f a             
             h (a , inl x , e) = goal
               ∈-claim₁ : Φ (Ψ (f a)  x)  f a
               ∈-claim₁ = transport (Φ (Ψ (f a)  x) ∈_)
                                    (IH' a)
                                      (Ψ (f a)  x)
                                      (Ψ (f a))
                                      (x , refl))
               ∈-claim₂ : Φ (Ψ (f a)  x)  𝕍-set f
               ∈-claim₂ = transitive-set-if-set-theoretic-ordinal σ
                            (f a)
                            (Φ (Ψ (f a)  x))
                            (to-∈-of-𝕍-set  a , refl )

               goal :  a'  A , f a'  Φ (s  y)
               goal = ∥∥-functor g (from-∈-of-𝕍-set ∈-claim₂)
                 g : (Σ a'  A , f a'  Φ (Ψ (f a)  x))
                    Σ a'  A , f a'  Φ (s  y)
                 g (a' , p) = (a' , q)
                   q = f a'            =⟨ p  
                       Φ (Ψ (f a)  x) =⟨ e' 
                       Φ (s  y)       
                     ↓-fact : c a  inl x  Ψ (f a)  x
                     ↓-fact = +ₒ-↓-left x ⁻¹
                     e' = ap Φ (↓-fact ⁻¹  e ⁻¹)

  Ψᵒʳᵈ-is-section-of-Φᵒʳᵈ : Φᵒʳᵈ  Ψᵒʳᵈ  id
  Ψᵒʳᵈ-is-section-of-Φᵒʳᵈ (x , σ) =
   𝕍ᵒʳᵈ-is-subtype (Ψ-is-section-of-Φ x σ)


Finally we obtain the result that ordinal of type theoretic ordinals is
isomorphic to the (type theoretic) ordinal 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ of set theoretic ordinals.


  𝕍ᵒʳᵈ-isomorphic-to-Ord : OO 𝓤 ≃ₒ 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ
  𝕍ᵒʳᵈ-isomorphic-to-Ord =
   Φᵒʳᵈ , order-preserving-reflecting-equivs-are-order-equivs
          (OO 𝓤) 𝕍ᴼᴿᴰ Φᵒʳᵈ
     Φᵒʳᵈ-is-split-surjective : (x : 𝕍ᵒʳᵈ)  Σ α  Ord , Φᵒʳᵈ α  x
     Φᵒʳᵈ-is-split-surjective x = Ψᵒʳᵈ x , Ψᵒʳᵈ-is-section-of-Φᵒʳᵈ x
     Φᵒʳᵈ-is-equiv : is-equiv (Φᵒʳᵈ)
     Φᵒʳᵈ-is-equiv = lc-split-surjections-are-equivs
