Martin Escardo 2011, extended 2018 with more properties of the function pair-fun.

Combining two functions to get a function Σ A → Σ B, and properties of
the resulting function.


{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe --auto-inline #-}

module UF.PairFun where

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import TypeTopology.Density

open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Embeddings

module _ {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 𝓣}
         {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
         {A : X  𝓥 ̇ }
         {Y : 𝓦 ̇ }
         {B : Y  𝓣 ̇ }
         (f : X  Y)
         (g : (x : X)  A x  B (f x))

 pair-fun : Σ A  Σ B
 pair-fun (x , a) = (f x , g x a)

 pair-fun-fiber' : (y : Y)  B y  𝓤  𝓥  𝓦  𝓣 ̇
 pair-fun-fiber' y b = Σ (x , a)  fiber f y , fiber (g x) (transport⁻¹ B a b)

 pair-fun-fiber-≃ : (y : Y) (b : B y)
                   fiber pair-fun (y , b)
                   pair-fun-fiber' y b
 pair-fun-fiber-≃  y b = qinveq φ (γ , γφ , φγ)
   φ : fiber pair-fun (y , b)  pair-fun-fiber' y b
   φ ((x , a) , refl) = (x , refl) , (a , refl)

   γ : pair-fun-fiber' y b  fiber pair-fun (y , b)
   γ ((x , refl) , (a , refl)) = (x , a) , refl

   γφ : (t : fiber pair-fun (y , b))  γ (φ t)  t
   γφ ((x , a) , refl) = refl

   φγ : (s : pair-fun-fiber' y b)  φ (γ s)  s
   φγ ((x , refl) , (a , refl)) = refl

 pair-fun-is-embedding : is-embedding f
                        ((x : X)  is-embedding (g x))
                        is-embedding pair-fun
 pair-fun-is-embedding e d (y , b) = h
   i : is-prop (pair-fun-fiber' y b)
   i = subtype-of-prop-is-prop
        (pr₁-lc  {w}  d (pr₁ w) (transport⁻¹ B (pr₂ w) b)))
        (e y)

   h : is-prop (fiber pair-fun (y , b))
   h = equiv-to-prop (pair-fun-fiber-≃ y b) i

 pair-fun-is-vv-equiv : is-vv-equiv f
                       ((x : X)  is-vv-equiv (g x))
                       is-vv-equiv pair-fun
 pair-fun-is-vv-equiv e d (y , b) = h
   k : is-prop (fiber pair-fun (y , b))
   k = pair-fun-is-embedding
        (equivs-are-embeddings f (vv-equivs-are-equivs f e))
         x  equivs-are-embeddings (g x) (vv-equivs-are-equivs (g x) (d x)))
        (y , b)

   x : X
   x = fiber-point (center (e y))

   i : f x  y
   i = fiber-identification (center (e y))

   w : pair-fun-fiber' y b
   w = (center (e y) , center (d x (transport⁻¹ B i b)))

   h : is-singleton (fiber pair-fun (y , b))
   h = pointed-props-are-singletons ( pair-fun-fiber-≃ y b ⌝⁻¹ w) k

 pair-fun-is-equiv : is-equiv f
                    ((x : X)  is-equiv (g x))
                    is-equiv pair-fun
 pair-fun-is-equiv e d = vv-equivs-are-equivs pair-fun
                            (equivs-are-vv-equivs f e)
                             x  equivs-are-vv-equivs (g x) (d x)))

 pair-fun-dense : is-dense f
                 ((x : X)  is-dense (g x))
                 is-dense pair-fun
 pair-fun-dense i j = contrapositive γ i
   γ : (Σ w  Σ B , ¬ fiber pair-fun w)  Σ y  Y , ¬ fiber f y
   γ ((y , b) , n) = y , m
     m : ¬ fiber f y
     m (x , refl) = j x (b , l)
       l : ¬ fiber (g x) b
       l (a , refl) = n ((x , a) , refl)

 open import UF.PropTrunc

 module pair-fun-surjection (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where

  open PropositionalTruncation pt
  open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt

  pair-fun-is-surjection : is-surjection f
                          ((x : X)  is-surjection (g x))
                          is-surjection pair-fun
  pair-fun-is-surjection s t (y , b) = γ
    γ :  (x , a)  Σ A , (pair-fun (x , a)  y , b)
    γ = ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop
          {(x , refl)  ∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop
                            {(a , refl)   (x , a) , refl })
                           (t x b)})
         (s y)

module _ {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 𝓣} {X : 𝓤 ̇} {A : X  𝓥 ̇} {Y : 𝓦 ̇} {B : Y  𝓣 ̇} where
  : (f : X  Y)
   (g : (x : X)  A x  B (eqtofun f x))
   Σ A  Σ B
 pr₁ (pair-fun-equiv f g) =
  pair-fun (eqtofun f) λ x 
  eqtofun (g x)
 pr₂ (pair-fun-equiv f g) =
  pair-fun-is-equiv _ _ (eqtofun- f) λ x 
  eqtofun- (g x)